woensdag 16 januari 2013

Hey guys,

I've been very busy with school lately, so I don't really have the time to DIY, sorry!
So here's a small roundup of a DIY I want to do in the future: Collars!
I just chose some pictures that inspired me, I found all of them on Pinterest.

http://pinterest.com/pin/125749014567484059/http://pinterest.com/pin/125749014567484083/ http://pinterest.com/pin/125749014567484080/ http://pinterest.com/pin/125749014567484074/   http://pinterest.com/pin/125749014567349507/

I'm sorry, it's not much, but these pictures really inspire me to make collars myself.
I think I'm going to make a DIY of it myself.
I just hope my camera will take good pictures of it.(I don't have a macro lens)

Let me hear from you if you have anything to say.
I hope to see you soon in my next blog post.

Follow me on twitter: http://twitter.com/thisbbnest/
Follow me on pinterest: http://pinterest.com/vibe95/

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